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7176 Somerset Farms Dr
Nashville, TN 37221 615-674-6668

Mon-Fri 9 AM – 6 PM


In order for you to get a feel for how I work with people, I’ve included some email testimonials. Feel free to get in touch with any of these people. I don’t mind also giving you phone numbers, especially if you’re planning on flying to Nashville to work with me in my studio. Phone conversations with people who’ve done it may help alleviate any stress or apprehension you may have making such an adventurous journey.

I came to Midi Magic Studio to begin my first CD project around 7 years ago. God had Led me here, and I was very excited as God’s dreams for my music began to take shape in amazing ways! From the start I felt very much at ease working with Gerry. He listened to the heart and music of my songs, while communicating and complementing well his musical interpretation with the perfect feel and expression instrumentally.

Recording the vocals was equally joyful in being totally comfortable as Gerry guided me in capturing vocally the essence of my songs. Gerry’s musical talents and technical abilities blended together wonderfully in producing amazing music–I am so happy and satisfied with my CD!

Since completing the first CD project, I have been Blessed to continue producing music through Gerry. I am very thankful to have found such a wonderful fit for my music, as well as working with an awesome Brother in Christ who continually inspires me!

Jeannie McPherson

Gerry Peters? Midi-Magic Studio?

I wouldn’t think of using anyone else for producing quality audio tracks from the words and music that flow from my heart. The songs Gerry has produced for me have literally touched people around the world.

Gerry always knows how to bring out the best in EVERYTHING I bring to him. He’s a true professional who also knows how to simply be a good friend. On a scale of one to ten, I give Gerry one hundred.

Thanks, Gerry… for your service, your talent, and the dedication you’ve put into every project we’ve worked on.

Frank Fileccia
One Light One Love Music Ministry.

l pass on one of the compliments I received on our
latest song (If I Ever Give Up On Me)…. “Great quality,
and Midi-Magic never ceases to amaze me.”

Frank Fileccia

Gerry Peters is not just an amazing Arranger, Producer, Keyboard Artist, and Engineer- he is much, much more. Years ago my husband and I hired Gerry Peters for our first recording project.

At the time, we were living in Nashville, and had many choices when it came to a recording studio. We chose Gerry and his studio because of his excellent reputation in the industry. We knew Gerry had exceptional talent, but we had no idea of the level of personal attention he would give to our project and us.

 From start to finish, Gerry was fully invested in the process. He helped us choose songs, worked on arrangements with us, hired great studio musicians, and engineered and mixed the entire CD. He guided us through the recording process with a gentle heartfelt style and encouraging words that created the space where we could perform at our best. As a result, we had an amazing experience, and came away with an excellent product.

Since that time, we have hired Gerry for several more projects, and each time, we are elated with the results.  We not only record our own original CD projects with Gerry, we also write custom songs. Our clients expect the very best recorded product, and each time we are able to exceed their expectations with Gerry’s help.

Hire Gerry for your next recording project, you will be very glad you did!

Gary and Jody Soland, Singer Song-writers Recording Artists, Ohio.


Thanks Gerry – very kind of you and much appreciated!  I listened to your interview last night where you described how you wanted to start your own studio to provide more personalized and individualized service instead of just slamming out a track. You certainly accomplished that and my project is a testimony to that. That’s exactly what I was thinking when I listened to the instrumental tracks. There was nothing slam dunk about my tracks. I always felt every musician was giving their very best every time. That is unique in today’s world. The Lord has honored your desire to help others reach their goals!
Bob Mazmanian

The day I found Gerry’s website was a defining moment in my life. I had been sick for almost a year and felt a void missing in my soul. I had a great deal of music pent up in me that I wanted to share but had no avenue to express or develop it. Most studios run clients through their studios like cattle; Gerry took a personal and human approach with me. Through my disabilities and inadequacies he encourages me. Since that first day that we started on an old Christmas song our relationship has flourished. We are now working on a large and ongoing children’s project, an ever growing love song project and project of 20 original Christmas songs. I have come to truly appreciate his knowledge, expertise and skill. But most importantly I have come to deeply appreciate the friendship that we now share. I recommend his services highly.

Most sincerely,

Barry L. Wingard Ph.D.

My name is Sherman Raney and I have written songs for over thirty years, I have used Gerry Peters of Midi Magic studios for well over the past twenty five years for the excellent music and arrangements, His music is second to none and although I look forward to getting each song complete, I never doubt the outcome, as I have always been completely satisfied with Gerry’s work and I know it’s because he honestly cares about how each song will come out, He has completed over seven CDs for me, Sherman
Sherman Raney

Wow, Gerry ….. WOW!
Hats off to you and everyone involved in my demos, which arrived safely today. I knew you guys were good from the sample CD, but to hear that talent and care applied to my own work is really exciting. Thanks for your kind comments about the songs – it’s very encouraging to know people liked them, particularly when they are people who produce work of such high quality.
What can I tell you: the vocals are terrific, the playing is excellent and the production & arrangement top-notch. Please pass on a big thank you to everyone for the effort and creativity that went into the sessions – it’s very much appreciated.
I’m going to take a few days now to reflect on the story so far, and I suspect I’ll also need a crash course in How To Stop Listening To Your Own Demos!
Thanks again
Paul Carne

gerry… gerry… gerry…
gator knocked my socks off! y’all did reallllll gooooood! thanks. Ray sounded great, dobro was very tasty, the groove and everything.. just what i wanted. loved the fade out with the extra verse touch!
check with you later, again, great job and thanks a million (i hope!)
richard murrey

Hello again Gerry………..
There is only one word……… WOW !!!!!!!!
You did it again…… !!!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great day !!!!!!!!

I got the song yesterday. The dynamic Trio does it again. The song GREAT !!!!! This is probably the best commercial song I have written to date. The melody is perfect. In fact it is almost the same as I had in my head when I wrote the song. Even down to the pause in the last line of the chorus. I hope to get this out to some publishers as soon as I can. Keep up the good work. I’ll send you some more songs as soon as I can. I will most likely get you to do the melodies even if I have a working melody of my own.

Good Evening Gerry, I received “Linn at the End of the Rainbow” today. You did an excellent job of songwriting and producing. The women at the nursing home thought it was great. One said she could listen to it over and over and it made her feel like crying. Give my thanks and appreciation to the singer also. The best is yet to come,
Mark Jorgensen

Dear Gerry,

I just wanted to let you know that as a result of your excellent demos, I have gotten two cuts! (1) Pine Grove bluegrass band recorded “Forgetting You” on their Grass Roots album in 2000; and (2) Grand Ole Opry and Living Legend star, Ernie Ashworth, has recorded “Reminiscing” and it will be released the first part of 2002. Ray’s great singing and captivating three-part harmony, along with your talented arrangement, far surpassed my expectations on these two songs.

Other wonderful things that have resulted from your demos are: (1) my Christmas song, “Did You Ever See A Christmas Like This One” was featured in a TV movie, “Shredder” in December 2001, and (2) Zeke Thomas, President of Sonic Records and 2Yk Studios, is interested in using several of my songs for his artists.

All of the above accomplishments are quite remarkable for an unknown songwriter like myself, especially in a highly competitive field where a cut is very difficult to come by. Your excellent arrangement, state-of-the-art studio facilities, Ray and Juli — the two best demo singers in Nashville, and extra attention to detail, made the impossible dream a reality for me.

The variations on my demos is also a very strong statement to your unique versatility. The contrast in some of the recordings could not be greater. While some are traditional bluegrass and country, one or two others are very “pop” oriented. You can do it all!

You also have been a great mentor and friend, and your Christian philosophy clearly shines through in your business dealings as well as in your personal life. I’m so glad that I clicked on your web site. You really did “make my dreams come true.” May God bless you!

Shirley Sheppard

I don’t know anything else to say. I have to tell you, I could hardly hold back the tears – to actually hear from that CD what I had been hearing in my head PLUS all the bells and whistles to make my little songs sound like something straight from my heart. You are a fabulous talented man and I thank God that we have been brought together.
You are right – the choir stuff is awesome. They sound like many more than just four. Tell the ladies that the Ave Maria is wonderful – I’m sure Mary must be pleased. I know I am.

Juli did her usual excellent job and Wes had a very distinctive sound. I really like what you did with the harmony with them in Follow The Star. Super job to you and all the vocalists.

I can hardly wait to hear the finished product. Do you have a time frame? My Mom and Dad were in tears to actually hear so much of my material. My Dad was actually patting his foot while Peter was playing – he has pretty much a tin ear, but he loves a good rhythm. It came together just like I had hoped it would. Just like “the real songs on the radio.”

I could go on and on, but I won’t. I’m sure you hear all the time how wonderful your arrangements are – THANK YOU!!!!!
Hear from you soon,
K. C. Annison

I am confident that every person who has had the privilege of working with you, has had great difficulty expressing his or her gratitude to you, and I don’t believe mere words could express my feelings.

Only a few people have heard the completed album, however, their reaction has been somewhat startling to me. Kathy mailed a CD to her cousin in eastern Texas a few days ago. When listening to the CD, a powerful anointing of the music and lyrics began to put their life and worries into the proper perspective. They were touched by the Lord. Burdens were lifted. They told me the CD arrived at exactly the right time in their life. They requested fifty CD’s for their church. We sent them.

A lady sat down at the booth next to our table, smiled and asked what we were listening to. Kathy briefly explained what we were doing with the small recorder, and the lady asked if she might hear a little. . The next song to play was “I Have Rolled Away The Stone”. She began to listen and within the first thirty seconds of the song she began to quietly cry. The tears were streaming down her face. When that song was over, she removed the small headset and began to explain the feeling and power she felt while listening to the CD. She told us God does not make mistakes, and that it was no accident that she sat down beside us. She told us of her Catholic up bringing and just how deeply the music and lyrics had touched her. Her words to Kathy…Something very dark inside me has become very much brighter now.

Sometimes I wonder, have I lost my mind in taking on such an adventure toward this, not so youthful, stage of my life.
Then I witness the Lord touching someone with this music, and that brings things into a proper perspective. I am absolutely sure of one thing, I am sure beyond a shadow of doubt, Our Lord is working within it and He is using it for His purpose. His hand is on it. As the lady in the café said…God does not make mistakes. Gerry, you were and are God’s choice. Chosen by Him to produce this work, and I promise to carry it on to the best of my ability. Your sound and style, combined with the lyrics, will touch countless souls for the Lord. Each piano note speaks a special word. Each note, delivered from your hand, sent into the heart of another human being, and to be used by God for His Glory. Thank you Gerry for helping me prepare the way for Jesus, into the hearts of others.

Your brother in Christ Jesus,


Gerry…I am stunned…just speechless. I have been waiting with great anticipation to hear “THE RING”. Needless to say I am not one bit disappointed. You have surpassed any and all expectations I had for making this song be all it could be. It’s funny how we all have our “babies” that we have written and are, as would be expected, protective and wanting the best for them. Well you have certainly not only done that….. you have given it life!!!
My true satisfaction comes from knowing that it is almost like you were inside of me hearing what I was hearing and were able to visualize and convey the song the way it was meant to be.
I not only thank you for “”THE RING” as a finished product, but also for the meticulous time and effort you spent to make it all I believed it could be. I am anxiously looking forward to our next project together.