The perfect place to record your next CD Project or Songwriter Demo. Here at At Midi Magic Studio we don’t use the one size fits all approach. We custom build the project around your musical and artistic tastes. We also help you shape your future with professional advise, guidance and answers to your music related questions. In addition to our affordable recording services, you will find a large selection of useful information to help you navigate the many facets of the music industry. We have experience in a vast array of musical styles including country, rock, pop, folk, R&B, soul, gospel, bluegrass, classical, traditional, celtic, children’s music, meditative and therapeutic music, new age, and many more. Check out some of the audio samples of our work.
We also invite you to visit Alleluia Christian Music Productions, a subsidiary of Midi Magic Studio, designed to help Christian artists start a Music Ministry or take their existing Ministry to a new level.
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